National and International Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) (Cross Border Transactions)
We advise our clients on corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation.
The technical care of our team goes from the preparatory moment, whether with the implementation of a legal project management office capable of planning and monitoring the execution of the operation correctly, ensuring a safe and efficient process.
In addition, our internal team, as well as our network team, who may be part of the work, are also prepared for all stages of the process execution from the moment of hiring, going through the audit (“Due Diligence”) until the later stages corporate and contractual monitoring.
We are prepared to write and review all the transaction's documents, from quotas or shares' purchase and sale contracts to justification protocols and more. We carry out, if necessary, records and communications of the operation to the competent authorities concerned, such as, in Brazil, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), and regulatory agencies.