The quest to offer better life opportunities for his three daughters was the great motivation that engineer Jamil Sebe had to try for a residency visa for the United States. The idea came up in 2016, when he was working abroad and decided, together with his wife, that he would like to continue living outside Brazil, offering more security and possibilities for education and growth for the family.
The family talked to several people who followed this path of "moving from Brazil" and did a lot of research until the study pointed to the United States as the best option. “A conversation I had with a friend who has been living in the United States for some time was also decisive. He explained to me the variety of visas that are offered to qualified professionals and the need to rely on the service of a specialized legal advisor in this area”, he says.
Currently living in England, where he works as project director for an American multinational, he says that, despite being a long process, he could see the care and dedication of all Wykrota Law Firm professionals involved. A huge variety of documents had to be prepared and added to the process. “All my diplomas had to be evaluated and went through a process of matching with the American teaching grid. From my master's dissertation to articles I published in scientific journals, from newspaper articles about the projects I implemented to a patent I participated in were reviewed and incorporated into the visa application process.”
According to the engineer, it was also necessary to provide letters of recommendation from outstanding professionals, people he worked with, who validated their qualifications and experience in the project area. “In addition to all this, all this material has to be translated into English by a professional specialized in this area. Anyway, his entire professional life is told in a big dossier that will be analyzed by the American government”, he explains.
The construction of the dossier, by the way, was the most difficult phase. “It was a gigantic job that demanded professionalism and a lot of experience from the team that advised me”, he guarantees. Therefore, he warns about the importance of choosing good professionals to lead the process. “Be judicious in choosing an immigration consultancy that has a history, reputation and can understand your life project abroad.”
Approval took 1 year from the date of filing the petition. “It was a feeling of happiness and great accomplishment. After all, it was something we built with a lot of effort and dedication.”
Testimony about Wykrota Law Firm:
"They are extremely professional and have unique knowledge of immigration processes to the United States. But the great differential of Wykrota Law was the personalized advice I received during all this time. They managed to understand my desires and my life story. They had the patience and empathy fundamental to building trust. Then they drew up the plan to get me to the result I wanted."